
Achieving Excellence in Art: A Tribute to Achievor Art and Culture Centre’s Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Education

Over the past seven years, Achievor Art and Culture Centre has established itself as a beacon of excellence in the realms of Chinese painting and calligraphy. Nestled in the heart of a vibrant community, the centre has not only honed the skills of aspiring artists but also nurtured a deep appreciation for traditional Chinese art …

Achieving Excellence in Art: A Tribute to Achievor Art and Culture Centre’s Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Education Read More »

2023 Singapore International Chinese Painting Exhibition

The Singapore International Chinese Painting Exhibition is an annual event held in Singapore that showcases traditional and contemporary Chinese painting. It provides a platform for artists from Singapore and around the world to display their works and exchange artistic ideas. The exhibition typically features a wide range of Chinese painting styles, including ink wash painting, …

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中国有位举世闻名的大画家,名叫张大千。他一生创作4万多幅作品,凡山水、花鸟、人物、走兽,无一不精,却从不画虎。这是为什么? 此中原委要从他二哥张善孖说起。张善孖擅长画虎,自号“虎痴”,人们尊其为“虎公”。张大千是怕自己画虎会影响哥哥的生活,所以一直不画虎,还专门手书“大千愿受贫与苦,黄金千两不画虎”以明志。 或许是上天的故意安排,张大千的再传弟子高歌,却在一次机缘机缘下,结识了中国近代画虎名家胡爽庵,向他学习画虎技法。 ▲“中国当代画虎第一人”高歌 经过几十年的勤奋磨练和苦心专研,高歌逐渐形成了个人绘画风格,如今成为“中国当代画虎第一人”。 高歌曾经受邀在中央电视台“春晚”现场表演画虎。 他的书画作品被中国国家文物局认定为“国宝级艺术珍品”。 他的作品也受到西方艺术界的关注,俄罗斯国家艺术科学院等机构收藏他的作品。 他的作品曾多次参加国家级大型画展,重要联展。有关画虎技法,曾专门出版教学光碟全中国发行。 高歌作品《猛虎下山》 他笔下的百兽之王千姿百态、神形兼备,笔墨技法的运用更是到了出神入化的精妙潇洒。 来临的农历新年期间,高歌将首次在新加坡举办个展,带来百幅最新山神虎威图展出。 此外,也有三幅他个人珍藏的中国当代艺术大家范曾作品一起展出。 高歌表示,他希望通过这次画展能够唤起人们关爱动物、保护自然的意识,希望通过画展加强中国和新加坡的文化艺术交流,借此机会与新加坡艺术同道分享传承自张大千、张善孖及胡爽庵的独特画虎技法。 高歌不但在画虎艺术领域取得令人瞩目的成就,他也是一位德高望重的美术活动家,担任的社会职务包括,联合国世界和平基金会副主席、国际书画艺术委员会主席、中国美术家交流协会副主席、中国企业家收藏协会会长、中国名人书画院院长等。 高歌个展 日期:2018年2月8日-12日 时间:早9点至晚11点 地点:1号 新加坡旧国会大厦 邮编:179429 展厅:1号展厅 咨询电话:91016433 开幕仪式 日期:2018年2月8日 时间:下午14点至17点 地点:1号 新加坡旧国会大厦 邮编:179429 主宾:宝览文化有限公司 董世梁 董事

Chinese Painting – Beginner Full Course 10 Sessions Every Friday 7-9pm (Starting May 24th, 2019)

Chinese Painting – Beginner Full Course 10 Sessions Every Friday 7-9pm Our new Chinese painting beginner full course starts on May 24th (Friday), 2019 7-9pm, and will run every Friday 7-9pm for 10 weeks, total course fee is S$330 only. The full course will come with certificate after completion and will eligible to enroll our …

Chinese Painting – Beginner Full Course 10 Sessions Every Friday 7-9pm (Starting May 24th, 2019) Read More »

Yang Qun Opera Paintings Exhibition Singapore Station

艺术家/Artist: 杨群Yang Qun 展期/Exhibition Time:1月18—1月23 开幕时间/Opening: 1月18下午七点 展览地点/Exhibition Location:新加坡239003穆罕默德苏丹路65 Homes65艺术空间Homes65 Artroom,65 Mohamed Sultan Road Singapore 239003 联系电话 Tel:9648-1762 Introduction to YANG QUN Born in Feb.1958,Graduated from Normal University of An Hui, specializing in woodcut, in 1982 Taught in Art Department of Teacher’s College of Fu Yang in 1985 and participated in first Two-person’s woodcut show …

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Expressions of Pen & Palette – Art Exhibition – National Gallery (31 Aug 2018–29 Sep 2019)

EXHIBITION OVERVIEW (- National Gallery Singapore) Wu Guanzhong (1919-2010) is one of the most significant artists of 20th century China. His distinctive style fuses Western and Chinese art traditions, and set a new direction for modern Chinese art. A prolific painter and writer, his works paved the way for younger generations of artists and continue …

Expressions of Pen & Palette – Art Exhibition – National Gallery (31 Aug 2018–29 Sep 2019) Read More »